Complete Guide: Web Development Roadmap to Crack Web Developer Jobs in 2024

Web Development roadmap to Crack Web Developer Jobs in 2024

Yes, how are you all? Do you all remember the old movie of Jackie Chan? In those old movies, Jackie Chan had a master who always said, focus on the foundation, make the foundation strong, but Jackie Chan always had to fight high end fights. As the channel was more in high end fights, he used to think that if my foundation is less then my basic skills are not there.

Now he is helping me whenever you will learn anything, be it web development or anything else. Always your foundations will come, I will recommend all of you in this post mostly foundations and basic but there will be many people who will say no, I want to learn next, I want to learn darker, all this is also fine, you should come incidentally but start with basic.

Whatever road map everyone starts, first of all I would always recommend that your basic should be strong. Foundation should be strong. In this post, I will tell you the road map of web development. An actionable road map which you can actually follow. You can do it and the most important thing in web development is your projects.

The more you create your projects, the more you will be able to validate your skills. Yes, I know less about it. Now in this post, first let us start our Before the road map of web development, l

Jobs in Web Development

Let me tell you some profiles and some job offers for which you can apply. After completing the road map of web development, see the role of web development in the market these days.
There are many opportunities for this. There are job offers, now you will not get the job offer through web developer because nowadays the specific is below, from the specific profile for which the job openings of web development come, as you will hear the names on UIDAI, Front End Developer, React Specialist, Back End Developer, API Developer.

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Or something is similar in the same way but it is an off course thing, where your role is of front end developer, there is more focus on front end skills and there will always be talk of off course project. The road map of web development in the role is made up of only four major things: HTML, JavaScript and a database.

Now whatever HTML and other things are here, it is almost impossible to replace them, this is the foundation, this is the basic JavaScript, this is almost. It will always be there but it is not that web development is done only through JavaScript, inside web development you can do it in other languages ​​like you can do it in Dot Net, you can do it in Ruby, you can do it in Java also.

You can also do it in Python, the database of course will remain standard on database, there are many options in it, you also have My Sequel, and Mango is also there, now the problem comes that this has become a variety, these have become options and this is also ideal. In case I go, you will get to hear more names there, it has become React, it has become Angular, and there are many options inside the database too, some people will say that Mongoose should also be Sikh, some people will say and there is a lot of confusion with MB,

To remove all the confusion inside, I give you some sets of road maps, some road maps you can follow, if you have time, one of three months, then I give you some sets of road maps, if you have time, one of six months. You can follow the road map if you have time of 12 months or more.
Any scale, when you learn, whether you are in a company or you are learning on your own, you have to set a target, it is an obvious thing within three months. We will skip many topics but three months will make you a complete basic web developer. If the time is six months then it is obvious that we will include more things and if the time is more than 12 months then it is obvious that I will give you a little detail.

1 Month Web Development Roadmap

I am going to tell you the road map, so let’s start with our first and smallest three. Look, three months is not much time. If you only have three months and you want to learn web development in it, then either it will take a crazy amount of hard work or You will be able to learn only a few basics, here I would recommend you to give a whole week to HTML because HTML is not just about knowing the tags, what are their properties, how can you make accessibility more useful, semantics, then a whole week. Give HTML two weeks, now you can do it in detail because you have only three months, so there is no need to go into details so much right now, if you just write mobile optimized code, then it will be fine for you or you will have to go to someone else. There is no need right now because the time is three months, after this you go directly to JavaScript and for one whole month, with full dedication in the morning, afternoon and evening, you give JavaScript as deep as possible to do prepositions, which is the speciality of Java
(04:18) which is object and which is used in the events of the browser. These are DOM events and browser events, understand them well, after that you give two weeks to Mango DB. Mango DB is comparatively a bit easy. It may be off course complex to start, but after two weeks you give things to Mango DB and after that Also children, build something in it because learning coding and building are two different things, so this is ready, your three month road map is very short and sweet but it is a big one.

6 Months Web Development Roadmap

now after this we come six months is a good duration if If you are within six months of the guided path, then you can really learn a lot, but if you are probably learning or are learning through someone, then you can follow this road map of 6. Here I recommend. I will give you the HTML for a week. Again, you have to give everything from semantic to complete user accessibility. Give it to someone for two weeks.
After these two weeks, you give it to someone for a week. It will improve your profile a bit as per the modern practice. At one time I used to recommend Bootstrap but in today’s times I would say give it a week, if you have given it two weeks properly then in one week you can achieve a lot in Taylor, after that a whole month. Give JavaScript back that morning and afternoon. Indus Guide. You get as much structured content as possible from the script. After that, once you get a good strong foundation in jobs, you spend a month with React, whatever about React. You can learn, give only one month to Indeep, after that give one month to React, API development using Mongoose, many more and starting development is very easy, you can also learn authentication, relation and how to put data in the database. You have to deliver it and bring it back. You will get the basic basics done well in a month. After that, give a full month to Mango DB. The more you give to Mango DB for a month, the more your foundation of solid AP development will automatically become stronger. After this, whatever time is left, you have to build it. Now don’t build it as if some YouTuber had made it, I have done it by cloning it exactly. You can develop it according to your own features, whatever you have in your mind. Now after this.

12 Months Web Development Roadmap

Coming to the final road map which is 12 months long or if you have more than 12 months, if you have more than 12 months then you can do very focused preparation, now you can crack even the biggest interviews. Be it Google, Facebook or any other big organization, now to crack these interviews you do not need to learn 5 or 4 or 3 different languages, you can do it all in JavaScript only and Yes, you can also do DSA with 100% JavaScript, so let’s start with 12 months, this is a long term road map for web development. You give one week, two weeks to someone else and after that, give one week back to Telvin. Here I would recommend that you give one more week to create projects with Telwin. There are many web projects in the market from many good websites. Try to clone them, both on mobile and on web. It may take some more time, maybe one week to two weeks, but you should master these Telvin skills more in the market.

If you are a front end developer and are going for the first job, then be strong for UIDAI developer. It is very important to have strong HTML and Telwin, so master it first, I too may take you for 2 months but it is completely ok, after that I will take 1.5 months, go back to basic the script properly and 15 days is a continuous journey, do a marathon, within these 15 days I have to make 15 projects, now I am not talking about big projects, I am telling you small basic projects in which you can do domain manipulation or make a little to do list in JavaScript or something. Make a table, sort the table in ascending and descending order, then list 10 within 15 days, then make 10. Well, you have made projects of the script. Now that you have made the projects and have gained confidence, your DS will go to next 1.5. Pe 150 and Algorithmic Data Structure are algorithmic concepts and the concepts are like gravity, they are different in Japan and not different in India, similarly the concepts of data structures, if you understand the concept, then they are the same loops, same functions. It will be used in script also, it will be used in C++ also. See the advantages and disadvantages of every language. Some languages can control more memory, some can control less but the basic foundation you need is that your data structures can be completely done in JavaScript. So Next 1.5 Months Now because you have learned so well, in the next one month I will recommend you to do projects in React directly. You do not have to learn the basic of React, you have to jump directly into the project in React. It will take you 121.5 months. But if you jump directly into projects and there is enough variety in your projects then you can learn react on d go but off course there should not be pressure on your mind that I have to finish it immediately only then you will learn well and after so many projects you will develop your portfolio.

I am ready and your role of front end web developer is completely completed, now you have to jump on API development, ABI development course, you will go through JavaScript, if you want to go through Note GS, then give some time to the basics of GS. Give time to understand the architecture and its libraries and then go through authentication, authorization, role based access and a little more time will be spent in back end development because the things are highly optimized, there are premises, there are business logics too, but majority. Now you have to spend time, that is back and forth because the front has been covered, like you should have 1.5 months of API development and Atlast, you should have two to three project basic, now finish the database side, if you want to become a very good developer. You should know one database well and have proper knowledge of the other database.

Now you can do any of these things. If you want to do a completely idea line thing, then the entire industry of Mangodi and My Sizzler Puri is based on these two. Majority of the industries still use My Sequel, many startups as of today prefer Mango TV but even today there is a lot of internet on My Sequel and especially if you are focusing on back end development.

Backend Development Jobs

So a back end developer should understand the database more than the language and then read for himself what are the projects inside the projects. There are many available on YouTube but they have a problem, what many people do is to clone the projects like they are on YouTube. But they are making exactly the same ones.
The benefit of those projects is zero. Yes, literally there is zero benefit of them. If you do not add two or three features from your side in these projects, then there is no use of making them. Delete them immediately. There is no need to write them even in the review because actually I have not taught anything.If you have taught then you come to make two or three more features on top of that. Once you have made two or three more features then the next project. You will not clone anyone or create it by looking at someone, you will create it on your own, so this was your guide to complete web development road map.

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