How to crack Google Step Internship in 2024 : Get Placed in Google

How to crack Google Step Internship in 2024 : Get Placed in Google

We will discuss what qualifications we should have to get Step Internship, what skill set we should have, how we can tailor our resume so that we get interview calls. Will there be coding rounds? What questions are important? What is Google? What are the locations? Meaning of everything.

You will get everything about the internship. Now we know the locations where it is available which is Bangalore Hyderabad and Pune The stipend you will get for this internship will be around 80000 per month This will be a two month internship that means that you should be available from 10 to 12 weeks in your summer breaks In the description of this internship they also mentioned this That if you are from some under- represented group i.e. you are from a different gender or you are currently going through some disability then you can apply for this internship that means your background will not have any impact on your resume short list.

 Google Step Internship

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Google Step Internship Interview rounds

Then you can expect two interviews rounds and if it happens to you that one interview went very well and one interview went a bit dicey then you will have three interviews, meaning they will give you a chance that it is okay if one is a little up or down.If no one else has gone, in the third you can showcase your talent and skills, then in the interviews only DSA will be asked and the level of DSA will be that of DSA that will be from easy to medium, NEET code will not come above this and I will be more inclined towards easy.

On the side of easy lead code, because you are in the second year, there is not much expectation from you that you should do a lot of things, just what they need from you, whatever programming language you are coding in, then you should know about that programming language. Basics should be clear like they can ask things like what is the value of int min, what is the value of int max, also the coding he does, explain to a googlegroups.

The more readable the code looks on that document, the higher will be your chances of getting selected. Also, one thing I forgot to tell you is that you should know about space complexity that if n is close to n then why is it So why is that, all these things should be well known to you. Now we know that if we crack the internship then what will happen next. Now suppose you have done the internship very well then you will get PPI offer i.e. a pre-placement internship. What is there in that? It means that if I have done an internship in the second year, then my internship is confirmed for the third year.

If I do the 3rd year internship well in Google during the summer breaks in the third year, then I will get a PPO i.e. Pre Placement Offer i.e. my If you get a call from Google-My then see, you are in the second year. There is not much expectation from you in the projects that you will make something unique or you will make something very good.

Google Step Internship Projects

In the projects, you should pick some simple projects and include them in your resume. But if you have not made projects yet, then let me give you a back bencher tip that what you can do is, you put the project in it, it is okay in the resume and then you start reading that project, sit on a weekend and do a Read the project because the level of your project is simple, you can sit and read it in a weekend and you can also make it, so it’s okay, the project will be sorted.

Google Step Internship Resume

You have put DSA and your programming language in the resume. Be sure to put it in two-three places. What will happen from that? Your resume will be ATS friendly if you show in it that you have worked on Data Structures and Algorithms, whether you have led on code or on code chef, on code forces, some ranking ratings, etc., everything. Putting your achievements in your resume will greatly increase your chances of getting shortlisted. I have already told you how to mention your projects in your resume. I think this will help you a lot.

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Google Step Internship Important Topics to Learn

Now let me discuss which topics are relevant to us. The most asked topics in interviews are sorting algorithms, merge sort and quick sort, it is very important to read them and they are asked a lot related to graphs, array strings, these are some of their important topics

If you have any doubt regarding this internship, if you want to get your resume reviewed or want to get anything done, then I am very active in replying to people there.

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