How to Write a Killer Research Paper in Less Time

Hey guys and welcome back to this post. I have been needing to write a crap ton of papers throughout this last semester and throughout the entire course of my time in grad school so i have really been struggling with writing papers i never really was a good writer but i have found a way and it is real and it is legal but i found a way to write my papers that takes me around 30 minutes to about an hour to write depending on the length of the paper and how um kind of like academically intelligent it needs to sound it will really honestly take me like again anywhere from like half an hour to an hour to write so yeah you guys if you want to know how i write my paper so quickly,

I write about three papers a week i write one five page paper a week and then two one page papers a week and then i also have a project on top of that so it takes a lot of my time and on top of that i have to work so i needed a way to kind of write down all of my thoughts and write my papers down really really quickly and i found that i would just takeforever just typing it out and then i’d read through the paragraph and then i’d have to go back and i’d correct that paragraph and then i’d write the second paragraph and the entire process seriously took me like seriously probably like five to seven hours to do just to write it and then to revise it and then to proofread it um it just took forever and i was like i can’t keep doing this um i have two other papers to write so i came up with this way of writing my paper in less than an hour
and it took me about an hour the first time i did it and now that i continue to do it every single week it takes me literally like half an hour to write my papers so you guys the secret is how?

1. Get Organized First

So the first thing i will do to start like this entire process is first make an outline first make an outline of like the intro the body of my paper and then the conclusion of my paper i will always do that and i will always do research of what textbooks and what books and what websites that i also want to integrate into my paper i’ll i will always have those first so i will always have all my references included in my outline and i will make a kind of it’s not very detailed but i will make an outline of my paper so i know what point is next.

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2. Write Inside Out (Skip the Intro for Now!)

the second thing i will then do is i will go on to google docs on my computer and i will open up a new google docs and i will title it and i will also do all like the formatting and editing so all my papers have to be in apa format point um 12 point fonts they have to be an arial and they also need to be double spaced so again the the next thing i’ll do after i’ve created an outline is i will go in to google docs and i will make a new document and i will format it and title it the way it needs to look so then i’ll go to the google doc on my iphone now and i will click into it and then i will click edit and this is where i start speaking and like writing my paper and it makes it a lot easier because it just goes a lot faster you can speak a lot faster than you can type and i can get all of my ideas and everything i want to say on the piece of paper and then i go back and edit it so it’s a little different from the software dragon because you have to pay for it and they help you edit it along the way google docs won’t do that for you but again it’s another it’s a free way to write your papers and write them quickly

3. Conclusion Next: It’s Formulaic!

so um i have found this method to be very very useful okay you guys i’m just gonna show you with my computer and my iphone here with me and i’m just gonna speak what um i want to say on my iphone and you’ll see it pop up on my computer it is monday it is the beginning of the week and i wish it was totally friday so that i could hang out with my friends period i want to skip school today but i can’t comma instead i need to stay in and write my very very very very long paper period so yeah guys basically that is it and the entire process of like me creating my outline and speaking or writing the paper and editing it it’ll take me probably like an hour and a half but to literally just write the entire like four to five pages um really will only take me like half an hour now in the beginning it used to take me about an hour but now that i kind of get the method down and i understand a little bit more of how to use google docs um it just becomes faster and faster for me so yeah again the entire process for me to write a five page paper now again takes anywhere from like an hour to an hour and a half so anyway you guys that is my secret of how i honestly write my paper so quickly in grad school um i have found it to be a fantastic and quick and easy method and it’s also free all you have to do is download the app google docs app onto your phone and just format it and just write it on google docs one thing about google docs as you saw earlier is that you will have to say comma and period if you want a period in the in the um paragraph so yeah

4. Finally, Tackle the Introduction

so there are some things you’ll have to like play with and play around with but it’s so much easier to speak something than it is to type something and it is truly your words um you’re the one who’s writing it you’re the one who’s dictating it so um i would honestly recommend this to anybody if you have like a you know dyslexia or not it doesn’t matter like I think it’s just a really easy and quick way to get your schoolwork done.

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