Profitable Web Developer RoadMap – Step by Step | Freelancing, Jobs & AI in Web Development πŸ”₯

A lot has changed related to web development, that is why in today’s video I will tell you from beginning to end how you can become a web developer. I have a lot of experience in this field and I am with you. I want to share this experience of mine so that in the modern era, you people can do freelancing and earn money with the help of web development, either through a job or in some other way.

Web Development Basics

Basically, I am going to give you a profitable web developer road map today. There are many companies in India which are creating accessible websites. They are going to make some important changes in their servers. What is the salary of software development in India? I have learned web development from 10 to 12, now I am just explaining to you how.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

And if there is any website in this world, how does it work? HTML4 is created and JavaScript script is the brain of the client side. Just as our brain is, JavaScript manipulates it in the same way. What action will be taken by clicking on the button, how action will be taken on hovering, you can control all these things through JavaScript, now the server and both the people used to prepare separately but in today’s modern era, you people have to do the front end.

Web Development

Frontend and Backend Development

You have to know both FRONT and back end, there is nothing true, only front end road map or back end roadmap, Max Atlas does not recommend this thing, you should know both, yes you can specialize in front end or you can specialize in back end or database but You need front and back end and database. You need all three. Back end basically includes both API and database.

Web Development Industry Overview

Web development is a very rapid growing sector which is projected to grow in the next five years. The entire internet is through web development. The Wide Web was founded in 1989 by Tom Burns Lee and we saw the first website in 1991 and after that fast forward to 2024 there are 1.09 billion websites. If we consider the class door then the number of front end developers is around 6. The salary of a back end developer is around Rs 8 lakh and the salary of a back end developer is around Rs 8 lakh and this is the average salary. You can always go beyond this. Web development is a field in which you can specialize a lot and earn a lot of money. You can earn from different means. If I talk about jobs, there are only 2 lakh jobs in US but the enumeration is of web developer which shows us that this field is not going anywhere. Yes, definitely there will be some changes in this. We write website about which we will talk but this is a very profitable field.

Read More: Back End Developer Roadmap 2024 | What is Backend Development?

My Personal Experience

I had done five foreign internships during my college time, out of which I got three foreign internships only on the basis of web development. In fact, I love being in university only because of this. I was selected because I knew web development very well along with my other skills which were required by them and if you people know such skills then definitely as a software developer you will be given value. Now let’s talk.

Degree vs Knowledge

That you people need a degree, I myself am a graduate from IIT Kharagpur, many of you ask me, so I tell you, I am a silver medalist, but even after that I say that you do not need a degree, yes I One thing I definitely believe is that the one who has a degree definitely gets help and the one who has a degree is given preference.

Frontend Development Roadmap

The knowledge of both the people should be equal but if someone has more knowledge then he is preferred. In today’s industry. I believe in knowledge and not degree, although I believe that you should know both front end and back end when you are doing web development, but I will tell you about this road by dividing it into two parts, one is front end. end and a back end, then after that we will also talk about data bases and impact of AI. Let’s talk first about the front end. Front end comes in the front end. You can write the skeleton of any website. [Music] I will recommend html2text. Now, I am not saying that you should not learn CSS, JavaScript, React, but I will also tell you the impact of AI. Further, but for now, you People just understand that do not give more than two weeks to CSS, after that come directly to JavaScript and learn programming. In JavaScript, you have to start from the basic and Asynchronous Nature of JavaScript which are the main topics of JavaScript, Event Loop, all this.

Things you people have to study and around one to two and a half months, you people have to spend in JavaScript, after which you people will move directly into projects.

Backend Development Roadmap

Now after this, many people say do React, next do JS, learn Django also back. And learn everything but I say after doing front end, make front end projects, make very basic projects like an alarm clock, there are many things that you guys can make, only the basics of front end JavaScript script have come, after that I I would directly recommend that you people start the back end. See, back end can be learned from many languages, Flask comes in it, PHP comes in it, many frameworks come in it, you can also learn from Ruby on Rails but I will recommend you people. That you guys start with Express JS. If you do n’t understand anything at all and you are a complete beginner then Express GS is a great start. If you guys start with Express JS then you will have to meet the front end with the back end and then use the API. You people will know very well about the database and the database. You will be creating the runtime in JavaScript language and you will also be creating the back end, so it will be very easy for you to do all these things and then the transition after this. It becomes very smooth by using two frameworks like it. I would recommend you that when you are using Express JS then you should use ATML i.e. plain ATML only. There are many template engines like Pug. There is a template engine, you can learn it definitely but again don’t waste your precious time. When you are doing this, start with plain HTML, then if you spend a little time working on the back end, you will know.

What is middle ware, you will know how it works actually, you will know many things like express and for this my Sigma Web Development course is very good, I have learned all these things in the Sigma Web Development course. It is very well organized which means that you will not face any problem at all if you are starting from Sigma Web Development course, create html4 projects using back end i.e. using Express GS, after that I will tell you.

Database Introduction

I would recommend that you people come to the database. Recommended database is Mango DB because its syntax is like JavaScript, exactly you people get to write JavaScript type syntax on the client site as well as on the server site and when you use the database.Even if you are working on it, you get to write JavaScript type syntax. Now when you learn the database, then when it comes to integrating the database with Express, you will know that there are two libraries named Prisma and Mongoose. Which provides you the schemas such that it becomes very easy for you to insert the data and you will catch the bugs ahead of time if you guys are about to insert or delete any wrong data as you guys You are working basically there is a layer above the database which you get in pure Java JavaScript when you are using it with Express Prisma or Mongoose, which one if you guys see my projects then I use Mongoose more. But Prisma is equally good. Prisma is also very good. When you guys are working on Mango DV then I would recommend you guys to have a look about Mango DV Compass. Basically Mango DV Compass is a young tool which helps you in managing your database. Then also read about Mango DB Atlas which provides you scalable Mango DB data bases on the cloud. Mango DB is a paid service. Yes, there is a free tier but if you people If you are doing any serious project, then it is paid. What is the advantage of this? Its advantage is that your database will not go down if you get too much load. Now after this, if you guys are learning the sequel i.e. If you are learning Structured Query Language, then I would recommend you to learn My Sequel and PHP My Admin. The benefit you will get from learning PHP My Admin along with My Sequel will be that you can visualize You do not need to know PHP while learning PHP My Admin. You can directly use this tool and you can visually see through a GI tool how the queries are working now.

React and Next.js

Once you people start creating apps using front end and back end, after that I would say for front end you people go towards React, why towards React because from React you people will know how easy it is to do front end. Creating End: React solves a very big primary problem which is that when you create front ends, you have to write a lot of DOM manipulation code. In React, you do all this by using states, using hooks, using redux. Manages things very well. I have taught React very well in the Sigma Web Development course. This is one of the reasons that I have taught React well. Learning React is very important for you guys. Then one Once you guys have learned React, I would say you guys go towards Next JS. When you go towards Next JS, you will know how easy it becomes for you guys to manage front end plus back ends. Front end is your Next JS. It is made in React and the back end is like Kind of Express, it is very similar to Express. Now if you have a good background then you can also learn Angular but if you guys are confused then I would say this is React. You guys should follow the same route, get Rich C, go for C, ask for DB C or Prisma, select any one, you are going to make amazing applications, then if I talk about some additional tools, then you People, learn Git and Git Up.

Additional Tools and Deployment

At least learn basic Git and Git Up. I made a video in which I told you how to push code in 10 minutes. You guys watch that video on Git Hub, after that you guys go to Git Hub. Use tools like Copilot. Git Up Copilot is paid but there is an alternative to Git Up Copilot. Llama Coder Plus Olama. I have made a video on these topics. How can you guys use Git Up Copilot kind of tools for free? Using Llama. Coders, what happens from this is that you people get to see very easy code suggestions, so you people are spending minimum time in writing boiler plate code and maximum time in solving the problem. Now after doing this, you do not have to stop, you people also have to learn Deployed because if you people want to become a successful web developer then you will have to know Deployed also, without deployment your work will not be possible, I recommend you for Deployed. That you people can first do droplet based i.e. or you people can use the app platform of Digital Ocean, I recommend you to go and see how it directly picks up the code from Git Heap and deploys it end to end for you. Now I have Sigma Web Development course has been given to you all in which I have told you all these things and covered them from end to end, you will not have any tension, yes, some time will definitely be spent, you will have to bring your time but you If you become a successful web developer, then definitely access the Sigma Web Development course. Along with this video, I will also give you a PDF which you can download from the link given in the description, whatever things I have told you in this video. You will get it in the form of a puff. Now once you have learned all these things and made five-six applications, one such application is for you to make serious web apps, after this you can go one step further and type script. You can learn Type Script and use it with Next Yes. What is the benefit of using Type Script? You get type safety, that is, you will catch the bugs in your upcoming applications ahead of time.

Design vs Development

You will be able to create objects only in a particular format, outside of that you will not be able to create objects, so you get all these things in type script, it is very easy to learn, then design and development are two different things of designing. Meaning that your website which you are creating is looking good and development means whether you are able to print what is being given to you or not, that is, I have given you an image, now I said that even after coding it, you can use the framework. Try to improve in what you are doing. So friend, after following all these steps, you will become a very successful web developer. I wish you all the best and I will tell you that you will not practice until you write code. Till then you guys cannot become a good developer so practice more and more and you guys will definitely be able to become a very successful developer.

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